Monday, November 7, 2011

Still Rolling...

Already Gone has been out for two week, and the response has been fantastic. The book hit the ground running on day one, and it's still going strong. This one is easily my fastest selling novel so far, so thanks to everyone who has picked up a copy or is planning to.

I've been busy working on the new book, so I haven't put together a signing schedule for Already Gone yet. If you'd like your copy signed and you don't want to wait, go ahead and email me at, and I'll give you the information on where you can send your books.

In the meantime, I went on KMTV's The Morning Blend today to talk about the books, movie stuff, and writing in general. If you'd like to see how it turned out, here's a link:

The Morning Blend

I also did a interview with Suspense Radio last week. Here's that link:

Suspense Radio.

Here's another interview I did earlier this week. This one with Jedidiah Ayres over at the Barnes & Noble, Ransom Notes blog.

Ransom Notes

And finally, in case you haven't seen it, Duane Swierczynski wrote a great guest review of Already Gone for the Kindle Post blog.

The call is coming from Inside the house.

As always, thank you all for supporting the books.