Friday, November 13, 2020

Eddie Loves Animals

A couple months into quarantine I decided to write a few short stories, which is something I haven’t done in about twelve years. I wrote this particular story with ‘Noir @ the Bar’ in mind. If you don’t know what that is, N@tB is a “literary” event where a random group of crime writers get together at a bar in some pre-determined city and read their stories to each other (and anyone else who happens to be there) while drinking heavily. It’s always a good time, and I’ve done enough of them over the years to have a pretty good idea what type of story works best in this setting. 

Hint: The more absurd, ridiculous, or funny the better. 

Since another N@tB won’t be happening any time soon, I decided to send this one out into the real world and see what sober people thought of it. The story is called ‘Eddie Loves Animals’, and while I’m not sure it can be called funny, it is definitely absurd and probably a little ridiculous. And if Noir is characterized by fatalistic and cynical people living morally ambiguous lives, then this might be the most noir story I’ve ever written. 

You can find it at TOUGH:

Eddie Loves Animals

Thursday, October 1, 2020

The Couple in Room 13


I've been sitting on this exciting news for a while, and I can finally share it because today is pub day. 

Simon and Schuster UK, who published my first three novels, is reissuing my first book, Cold Kiss, with a new title and a gorgeous new cover. The book is being reissued in print, and it's available today in ASDA and independent book stores all over the UK. I'm thrilled about this news, and incredibly grateful to the team at S&S for breathing new life into this dark and snowy little tale. 

This one is probably my favorite of all my books, so if you haven't read it yet, now is a great time.

The Couple in Room 13


Thursday, February 27, 2020


For a long time I've wanted to write a story set in the town where I grew up. Beaumont Cove isn't quite Manitou Springs (ocean instead of mountains), but it's close, and I thoroughly enjoyed revisiting the vibe of that strange little town. Broken is a slightly different book than the ones I've done before. It's not really a mystery, or a thriller, or a crime noir, but it does have elements of all three. Personally, I just think of it as a story, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.


Until next time,